Pick Up Dog Poop - PUP


PUP (Pick up Poop) is a local initiative from the City of Columbus. We can all do our part to reduce the contamination in our waterways by reducing the amount of feces that is in the streets from our dogs. It is always best to pick up your dog’s poop, and you can dispose of it several ways to ensure it is eco-friendly including throwing it in the trash, have an animal feces composter, contacting a local green provider to clean up your yard or help you learn how to dispose of the feces in an eco-friendly way (https://greenscooppet.com/).

One thing is clear, you should always dispose of your pet’s feces in order to reduce the potential runoff that can go into our waterways. If you think about dogs, they can pretty much eat anything! In order to have a wide variety of food to eat, that also means that there needs to be a comprehensive microbiota (bacteria) in their stomachs that can break down the food effectively and at no harm to the animals. Additionally, some of these animals may also have various infections from worms of viruses. These can get into our waterways as the waste water cannot properly dispose of these contaminates. When pet’s poop is not properly disposed of, rain can help that microbiota wash down storm drains that eventually end up in our waterways.

So please dispose of your pet’s feces properly. If you sign up to be apart of PUP they will also send you goodies for disposing of your pets feces properly. This may be delayed slightly due to COVID-19, so please be aware.

Click here to make the PUP pledge.

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  1. Become a GreenSpot member: GreenSpot.

  2. Post your information to this form to get a wildflower packet! Fill out this form.


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Columbus’ Water